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Live Stream Concert Featuring Michael Bemmels and Tejay Liao

  • Online, Zoom and Youtube (map)

We continue our support of local artists with more live stream concerts!

Join us on March 20th at 7:00 pm for this concert featuring Tejay Liao and Michael Bemmels.
You can watch this concert for free on our Youtube channel.

If you’d like to show your support for the VCGS and our concert series, consider purchasing a zoom ticket for any of the amounts below. Instead of watching the concert on Youtube you can join us live on zoom and participate in the zoom chat featuring a special artist Q & A after the concert. Those who purchase the zoom ticket will also have extended access to rewatching the concert after the date.


Tejay Liao Tejay Liao is an aspiring classical guitarist from Vancouver dedicated to spreading positivity through light-hearted, informative introductions and sensitive performances. Since discovering the Guitar Society in 2015, Tejay has been an active member, attending nearly every performance and volunteering to organize the recent live-streamed socials, interviews and masterclasses for the society. He has also been giving back to the community through personal streams featuring free performances, musical Q&As and practice showcases. In a few months Tejay will be leaving Vancouver to pursue a master's degree in music where he will continue to reach for the highest levels in guitar playing. As such, this will be his last concert in the city! Bidding Vancouver a joyful farewell, the program will showcase his two biggest loves on the guitar: Romantic and South American music.


Michael Bemmels

Michael Bemmels is an accomplished guitarist from Richmond, B.C. He holds a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in classical guitar performance from UBC, and has a wide range of professional experience as a musician, including work as a BCCM Festival Adjudicator, and a UBC Music Theory Teaching Assistant. Currently he teaches guitar full-time at World of Music and Arts, and is an active composer and recording artist. As a composer, Michael seeks to combine classical and popular styles together with familiar folk tunes, to create unique works that are both fun and sophisticated. Michael’s performance will feature classical and romantic favourites, as well as recent original compositions.