Already an existing VCGS Member?

Unfortunately, we cannot add members to the new system manually. Current VCGS members will have 2 options:

Option 1 - resubscribe with a discount (best for those wanting to eventually renew their VCGS membership);

E-mail our vice-chair, Joel Thomson, directly at and let him know that you want to subscribe to the new members’ area. You do not need to provide any personal details other than the name or email used for your current membership. Joel will send you a personalized discount code priced for the remainder of your membership.

Once you receive your discount code follow the instructions at the top of this page, but at check-out type in the discount code and click “apply” and receive your new annual membership access.

Please allow a few days for us to process your request.

Option 2 - email us for event tickets (best for those not interested in renewing membership);

When you would like to purchase tickets at member pricing, e-mail us at and let us know. We will hold tickets for you and you can pay for them on the day of at the venue.